Some captions for the photos above (left to right, top to bottom): 1) Don and Wendy in the gully in the vicinity of THE Pocket; 2) Don and Wendy on the road to nowhere, south side of the survey area; 3, 4) view of the Kampos Plain from the northern hills; 5) Petros above the Kampos and below the wind turbines; 6) Jeremy above the Kampos; 7) Don and Melody helping Zarko record a possible sanctuary N of the Kampos; 8) view of the Bay from the Kampos in the morning.
Hi Zarko,
What a great Christmas present to see you - and Karystos - on the web! If you've got time, how about some captions for these survey photos for those of us who weren't there? Meanwhile, bravo sou!
See you in person in March.
Thanks Roz!
I'm trying. It's just at the very beginning. I need to do a couple of things to make it fully functional and then I'll announce it through the seep mailing list.
Merry Christmas!
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